Sunday, 9 June 2013

Kairakau Beach bach, Hawkes Bay

Enjoyed a stereotypical 'Kiwi summer', staying at a bach in the Hawkes Bay.
Gorgeous sun shine everyday, sleeping to the sound of the waves, a book shelf of board games and Wilbur Smith novels, no cell phone coverage, and eating too much BBQ food.

But more importantly, having ample time on my hands to relax, and draw to my hearts content!

Auckland Cafe series

Monday, 18 March 2013

Bella - green eyes

Making life better - 2012

The Herald on Sunday names 25 people who we believe have made New Zealanders' lives and hometowns tangibly better.

13. Eric Ngan
Ngan has bright lights and lanterns on his mind when we talk. He's lead producer of Auckland's Lantern Festival, which starts on February 22.